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Manifest & Create Magick with your Period Blood
Welcome and Course Overview
Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
The Sacredness of Menstruation & How Women were Revered as Oracles in Indigenous Cultures
Dispelling Myths, Beliefs, and Stigmas Around Period Blood
What PMS really is and how we can Navigate it
Embodying the Seasons while Tracking your Cycle
Connecting with Your Menstrual Blood
How to Prepare for your Bleed
Journaling Exercises to Shift Perspectives
Practices for Honoring Your Menstrual Blood
Manifestation and Blood Magick
Introduction to Manifestation
Harnessing the Power of Blood Magick
Sacred Ceremony
Preparation for the Sacred Ceremony
Performing Blood Magick Rituals through Ceremony
Closing and Integration
Reflecting on Your Experience
Moving Forward with Empowerment and Confidence
Harnessing the Power of Blood Magick
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